Wednesday, 29 January 2014

My Experience: Mecca Makeup Lesson

I'm of the opinion that spoiling yourself a little (or a lot!) every once in a while is good for the soul. At least, that's what I tell myself in order to justify the cringe worthy amount of money I spend on things I probably don't need. So with that philosophy in mind, two of my best girl friends and I decided to splurge and treat ourselves to a make up lesson at Mecca Cosmetica and since we had such an awesome experience, I had to share it with you.

The makeup lesson runs for 90 minutes and costs $150, which is fully redeemable in product- so if you were looking for an excuse to buy the products you've been eyeing up for months, then this is probably it!

If you are going to book a makeup lesson, I'd definitely recommend doing some research beforehand and deciding what kind of techniques you'd like to learn or products you'd like to try- it makes the consultation easier when you've got a direction in mind. I also had a couple of reference photos saved on my phone, which acted as a great starting point. 

Getting together a group of friends and making a day of it is also a great idea. In our case, we came away essentially having had three different makeup lessons for three completely different looks. Mecca also offers their 'Master class,' which is essentially a night of makeup goodness to share with your friends. You can read more about the services Mecca offers at this link.
Action shot of my lovely friend Alexia.
I've never had a makeup lesson in my life, and I have to say that it changed the way I view makeup application- and I'd wager that my lovely friends would agree with me. It's like watching a video tutorial, but actually seeing how the products worked on me was what made the difference- and what made me want to buy practically everything that was used on my face! Every step of creating the look was explained in depth, but was simple enough that I felt confident I'd be able to recreate the same effect on myself. Each of us was also given a face chart and a list of products and tools that had been used to create what we were wearing. 

Here's a sneaky little before/after comparison of my gorgeous best friend Jess. 
The staff were incredibly friendly, and especially generous when it came to answering all of our beauty related questions- especially when it came to deciding what products we actually purchased following our consultations. So thank you so much to Isabelle and Jacqui for making our experience that much more informative and enjoyable!

If you do have access to a Mecca store and you have an interest in makeup, then I'd absolutely recommend this experience to you. It's a great chance to add to your makeup knowledge, try products you've been indecisive about or ones you'd never usually consider- and let's not forget having that excuse to splurge.

Special thanks to my friends Jess and Alexia for letting me photograph them :)

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